Whittier Elementary students visit the Capitol
Wed, 02/25/2015
Students from Seattle’s Whittier Elementary school toured the state Capitol on Feb. 24 as guests of Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, and Rep. Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle.
“It is so exciting to meet students from our district who are eager to learn about state government and find out ways in which they can make a difference through active participation,” said Kohl-Welles. “I really enjoyed having them introduced by our lieutenant governor when they were sitting in the Senate gallery as well as talking with them in the State Reception Room. I hope we’ll see some of them as pages when they’re in middle school.”
“I enjoyed the enthusiastic questions and comments from the Whittier students and congratulate them for making the effort to travel to our state capitol,” said Carlyle.
Whittier Elementary is in the Crown Hill neighborhood of Seattle.