Seattle Chinese Garden 2015 Peony and Bamboo Festival set for April 25-26
Sat, 04/11/2015
information from Seattle Chinese Garden
Early blooming tree peonies are displaying gorgeous flowers at the Seattle Chinese Garden. Later bloomers among the 400 plants of two dozen varieties will be showing their colors during the festival. This family friendly event celebrates two of China’s horticultural treasures, and it kicks off with a rousing lion dance at 11 am on Saturday.
More than 130 potted tree peonies from China will be available for purchase and also bamboo from specialty local growers. Activities include talks and demonstrations on peony and bamboo care, cultural entertainment and Chinese artist painting demonstrations, sale of art and craft items, and books on gardening and Chinese flora and fauna. While peonies are the magnet for adults, the goldfish in the pond and the giant Dragon Seeker carp will captivate the little ones. Plus, Chinese food booths will offer a variety of dishes and snacks. Visit the SCG website after April 17 for the schedule of talks and activities.
Cosponsors are the American Peony Art and Culture Association and the American Bamboo Society Northwest Chapter.
Suggested adult donation is $5.
LOCATION: Seattle Chinese Garden, 6000 16th Avenue SW, North Entrance at South Seattle College.
MORE INFORMATION: www.seattlechinesegarden, or 206.934-5219 (noon to 5 pm, T-W-F)