Master Builders Rampathon improves mobility for a SeaTac senior
Members of the Master Builders Associationhelp build a ramp for a SeaTac man. A total of 21 families will receive the gift of greater mobility through the addition of new ramps during this year’s Rampathon event.
Tue, 05/19/2015
The master Builders Association, Johnson Braund, Inc and voluteers pitched in last week build a free ramp that will give 73-year-old Harris Masih more mobility at his SeaTac home.
Harris suffers from a neurological disease that leaves him severely weak and unable to negotiate stairs.
Mr. Harris' son, Eric, said "This will help with my father's neurology appointments. I was the only person who could help my father of the house. I would power through it. Now my mom can assist."
Eli Tuttle, from John Braund, architect, said "We just get out and like to help the community. We are architects and this allows us to gete out, use our hands instead of the computer. This is a great community event every year. This is our fifth year."
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