UPDATE: Lisa Herbold now leads in District 1 City Council election
Tue, 08/04/2015
Update 4:15pm
The 1% lead that candidate Shannon Braddock held in the early returns has evaporated with a strong showing by Lisa Herbold now in front. She holds a 2% lead over Braddock as of 4:15pm Aug. 6. The top two finishers will go into the general election in November.
Asked for a reaction Herbold said, "In the last week of voting we ran an aggressive get out the vote effort, phone banking every night and doorbelling beforehand up through election day. People appreciate a candidate who's willing to run across the finish line, it's indicative of my workstyle too, I won't stop fighting until final bell rings.
At the election night party as I was reading my very long list of thank yous to the over 70 people who have been a part of this campaign, I was thinking as well of all of the people that I could not name, the more than 455 contributors to my candidacy. This campaign has, from day one, been about people. I know that candidates always say this, but I hope you know my sincerity when I say so today. We share a vision of a more equitable city where our workforce can afford to live and work with fair treatment, where people and goods can travel to their destination with minimal congestion, and where our police force is responsive and without racial bias."
Lisa Herbold
30.07% - 4870 votes
Jody Rushmer
2.14% - 346 votes
Chas Redmond
7.31% - 1184 votes
Shannon Braddock
27.97% - 4530 votes
Karl Wirsing
1.45% - 235 votes
Brianna Thomas
10.27% - 1664 votes
Phillip Tavel
18.07% - 2926 votes
Pavel Goberman
1.11% - 180 votes
Arturo Robles
1.36% - 220 votes
0.26% - 42 votes
Original Post
The election results for District 1 of the Seattle City Council race are in and Shannon Braddock holds a 1% lead over Lisa Herbold in early returns.
Here are the current standings as of 8:39pm Aug. 4
Lisa Herbold 2,972 (27.44%)
Jody Rushmer 249 (2.3%)
Chas Redmond 793 (7.32%)
Shannon Braddock 3,096 (28.59%)
Karl Wirsing 154 (1.42%)
Brianna Thomas 1,163 (10.74%)
Phillip Tavel 2,061 (19.03%)
Pavel Goberman 127 (1.17%)
Arturo Robles 179 (1.65%)
Write-in 35 (0.32%)
There were 10,829 ballots cast