Seattle Public Schools final staffing adjustments for elementary, middle and K-8 schools
Thu, 10/22/2015
information from Seattle Public Schools
Seattle Public Schools will add certified staff to five schools next week, and reassign only seven certified staff to other schools, out of nearly 1,100 general education staff (elementary, middle, K-8).
As the district shared earlier this month, 52,399 students are enrolled in the district this year, according to the 10-day headcount (9/30). This is an increase of 411 students over last year. However, while we have more students this year, the number is lower than projected by 675. This translates into $4.23 million less in revenue from the state, not including the enrollment decline impact on Special Education, Transportation or Nutrition Services.
Some schools have increased enrollment, some have decreased enrollment. This made it necessary to add more3 staff at those schools with higher enrollment and to reduce staff at those with lower enrollment, with a couple of unique exceptions based on classroom configuration. SPS district staff have worked closely with school leaders to address the timeline during the reassignment process. This has resulted in a net reduction of 21.5 full-time positions.
Eight start-of-school substitutes were added district-wide and funded centrally in schools where principals believed their enrollment may be higher than the district projection. Principals used this resource to support smooth start of school efforts. The goal was to reduce the number of classes without a teacher, and to mitigate for last minute enrollment changes. Five of the six elementary and middle schools that received a substitute did not qualify to keep this position. One of the schools, Green Lake, will add a full time teacher. The six substitutes pulled were at the following schools: Emerson, John Hay, Schmitz Park, West Woodland, Washington and Queen Anne. Those staff will be assigned to hard to fill positions and assigned to one building rather than different daily assignments across the district. Some schools have enrollment changes at the grade level, as compared to projections, that generated the need to add staff in some schools but also reduce in other schools.
The five schools adding staff members are:
Green Lake 1.0 addition
Rainier View 1.0 addition
Viewlands 1.0 addition
Madison 2.0 additions
Hamilton 1.0 addition
The seven schools who have been impacted by the need to reassign a staff member are:
Jane Addams .4 partial displacement 1.1 internal funds, 1 reassigned to Broadview Thomson as part-time building designated substitute
West Seattle Elementary 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Lafayette
North Beach Elementary 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Bagley
K-6 Stem @ Boren 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Rainier Beach
Highland Park Elementary 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Emerson as building designated substitute
Dunlap Elementary 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Kimball
Bryant Elementary 1.0 displacement Reassigned to Viewlands
Five schools had individuals choose to slightly reduce their contracts in order to remain at the school:
Sand Point .5 vacant position closed, .2 reduction, .3 funds restored with internal/external
Wedgwood .5 vacant position closed, reassigned to Roxhill as .5 building designated sub
Broadview Thomson Vacant position closed, two staff reduced .5 each to job share
Whitman Vacant position closed, two employees reduced .2 each, .4 funds identified, .2 to be determined
Madrona K-8 .5 vacant position closed, two staff reduced .2 and .3 each
The following schools either closed vacant positions or found alternative funding:
Alki Retained in position due to community funding
B.F. Day Grade one combined, vacant position closed
Beacon Hill Vacant position closed
Concord Vacant position closed
Bailey Gatzert Funds restored with alternative funding
Laurelhurst Vacant position closed
Lowell Vacant position closed
Martin Luther King Vacant position closed
Olympic View Vacant position closed
Queen Anne Allocation had not been utilized yet
Roxhill Two vacant positions closed
Denny Alternate funding identified
Special Education:
Out of 900 staff members, four teachers and eight instructional assistants were reassigned to other schools.
English Language Learners
We added ELL services to 35 schools (all schools now provide ELL services).
Out of 326 ELL teachers, 3.5 positions were reallocated.
We understand families and staff are impacted by these changes. The SPS Human Resources Department staff continues to work closely with every building to ensure clarity and support throughout this process. Those seven staff being reassigned, have been assured that being reassigned has no impact on their contract status, FTE level, pay, benefits or retirement.