Burien’s Got Something to Say
Wed, 02/03/2016
by Michele Smith
It’s no secret that Burien has an image problem. People who don’t live here or have never been, often think of it as a poverty-ridden extension of White Center somewhere by the airport. The fact that Burien shares the same waterfront with some of the most expensive waterfront and Puget Sound/Olympic Mountain view real estate as West Seattle and Des Moines is lost and the city council aims to change that.
At its January 2015 retreat, the Council identified branding as a top priority for city action this year an effort that is supported in part by a B&O tax increase targeted at funding local economic development.
Dan Trimble, Burien’s Economic Development Manager explains: “A community’s brand plays a big role in defining and relaying its success. All sorts of brand impressions are created for Burien by people who maybe don’t know Burien as well as the community itself does, and we want to make sure we’re telling our story ourselves, authentically and effectively. We need a brand that is up to date and an ongoing branding effort that supports the community’s vision."
Tacoma branding agency JayRay was hired to manage the re-branding project, in December online surveys were completed, participants were Burien residents and business owners. Key goals to this marketing strategy are to attract new businesses, a hotel, drive other tax revenue and to differentiate Burien from competing cities. The entire process is estimated to cost between $93,000 - $149,300. JayRay is credited with re-branding the City of Fife and Metro Parks Tacoma.
“The Burien community has been very engaged in the process so far. Responses to surveys and applications for focus groups have exceeded expectations on all fronts. Because of community interest, we are looking at new ways to add more community involvement as the process moves forward.” according to Katie Whittier Trefry, Communications Officer for the City of Burien.
The spring 2016 schedule includes first rounds of proposed logos, colors, imagery and slogans. The City’s website will be redesigned and go mobile for optimized browsing on smart phones.
The project is scheduled to be completed summer of 2016. To participate and find the latest opportunities for engagement visit http://www.burienwa.gov/Branding101 for project updates.