Help restore Miller and Walker creeks on Saturday, March 5 - please sign up!
Tue, 03/08/2016
When: Saturday, March 5, 2016 9:30 a.m. to noon
Where: Park near SW 168th St & 2nd Ave SW, walk through the gate behind the "Walker Preserve" sign to the creek, go left down the trail.
What: You will be provided with tools, gloves and training to remove invasive weeds, and pile them up to compost on site. We are removing invasive weeds, giving the native plants room to thrive!
What to bring: We provide hot coffee, snacks, gloves, tools, and training.
Bring a filled water bottle.
Dress in layers, bring rain gear. Boots, long pants and long sleeves will help protect you from sharp plants and cold weather.
Sign up and questions: Email or call Elissa Ostergaard at (206) 477-4792 to sign up. Events will be cancelled due to low attendance or windy weather, so check the web site the morning of the event.