A Force More Powerful; West Seattle Meaningful Movie April 2
Mon, 03/14/2016
information from West Seattle Meaningful Movies
An evening on the power of non-violent direct action—past and present.
We’ll show two inspiring episodes from A Force More Powerful (a series on successful nonviolent resistance movements). They are about the movement Gandhi led in India in the 1930s, and the Nashville sit-ins of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. 51 minutes. Produced and directed by Steve York, 2000. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHCOdBMJCAc
Then Liz Spoerri, a West Seattleite and a member of the Delta 5 http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/01/15/no-jail-time-delta-5-histor…, will share how she and four others blocked an oil train in Everett and went to trial, where they argued a historic case.
Liz will also bring information about Break Free from Fossil Fuels http://breakfree2016.org, a global mobilization coming up in May, with important events here in the Pacific Northwest.
6:30 - doors open for refreshments and social time
7:00 - movie, followed by optional facilitated discussion
At High Point Neighborhood House
6400 Sylvan Way SW, Seattle 98126
Bus numbers 21 and 128
NO CHARGE, but donations gratefully received.
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