Highland Park Action Committee urges delay on Myers Way Parcel decisions in open letter
Thu, 06/23/2016
The Highland Park Action Committee (HPAC) has sent a letter of comment regarding the potential fate of the Myers Way Parcels.
June 22, 2016
RE: Myers Way Parcels PMA #4539-4542
Mayor Murray, Seattle City Council and Mr. Daniel Bretzke,
This letter serves as the official comment from Highland Park Action Committee (HPAC) regarding the vacant City of Seattle property located at 9401, 9501, 9600 and 9701 Myers Way, known as the Myers Way Parcel. The Highland Park Action Committee’s (HPAC) purpose is for preserving and improving the neighborhood in accordance with the wishes of the community. HPAC serves and represents approximately 7,000 residents.[1]
As you know, these 33 acres contain wetlands, wildlife habitat, and open space connected to the Hamm Creek watershed and the Duwamish River. In addition, there are several racial and socio-economically diverse neighborhoods surrounding and connected to this area, many of which are unincorporated areas of King County.
Highland Park and South Park are the closest Seattle neighborhoods bordering the Myers Way Parcel, but for the neighborhoods of North Highline, including White Center, Boulevard Park and Top Hat – the Myers Way Parcel is at the center, connecting these communities to each other. Yet, these communities have no representation or say in what happens to this area at this time. At the same time, there are ongoing discussions about annexation of these unincorporated communities into the City of Seattle, with a determination possibly as early as November 2017.
There is a significant clean-up underway for the Duwamish River, which could be the heart of this part of West Seattle, if the clean-up efforts continue and there is no additional negative environmental impact of the river, the creeks and wetlands that feed into the river.
Therefore, we are strongly urging Mayor Murray, Seattle City Council, and Department of Finance and Administrative Services to 1) Hold off on any further plans to develop and/or sell any or all parts of Myers Way Parcels PMA #4539-4542 until there is final determination of annexation of North Highline into the City of Seattle and if North Highline is annexed that those community members are given the same opportunity to provide input into the final recommendations; 2) Until an outside agency with experience, knowledge, and connection with the clean-up of the Duwamish River has evaluated the environmental impact of the each of the “Range of Options,” as outlined on page 6 of the Preliminary Recommendation Report On Reuse and Disposal of the Seattle Department of Finance and Administrative Services PMA 4601 JTF Expansion Property PMA 4540-Undeveloped lot at 9501 Myers Way S. PMA 4541-Undeveloped lot at 9701 Myers Way S. PMA 4542-Undeveloped lot at 9600 Myers Way S. PMA 4601 JTF Expansion property from June 15, 2016, has been fully explored and vetted that there will be no additional negative environmental impact on the Duwamish River, the clean-up efforts or in any violation of the Clean Water Act.
If you have any questions, please contact me at hpacchair@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Gunner Scott
Chair, Highland Park Action Committee (HPAC)