On the Go Week of 7-4-16
Mon, 07/04/2016
Discovery Shop
4535 California Ave. S.W.
July 8–10 Summer Fest at the Junction. Our popular, annual Plant Sale will take place in front of the store and everything is half price inside the store. You know there is merchandise in our shop that you want or need for your home, your garden and yourself so be sure to stop by. Every time you do, you help us meet our goal of helping fund a cure for cancer and pay for related support services for those with cancer. The non profit, all volunteer run American Cancer Society shop is open for Summer Fest Fri. and Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Our regular hours are Sun. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. and all other days 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow our blog at www.discoveryshopwestseattle.org/.
Luna Park Neighborhood Clean-up
Meet at the Luna Park Cafe
parking area
2918 SW Avalon Way
Sat., July 9, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Join neighbors and friends to kick-off the start of this West Seattle gateway revitalization project. We’ll be weeding, cleaning up around the street trees, and spreading mulch. Come prepared wearing closed toe shoes and long pants. We’ll provide tools, gloves and instruction. For more information, email TreeAmbassador@seattle.gov or call 206.615.1668.
Music Under the Stars
Delridge Playfield (in front of the Community Center)
4501 Delridge Way S.W.
Mon., July 11, 7:15–9 p.m. Pack a picnic, grab a blanket—and the kids and the dog—and enjoy a casual evening of classical music. First is a live performance by an outstanding trio from UW, followed at 8 p.m. by KING-FMs broadcast of the Seattle Chamber Music Festival concert, streamed live from Benaroya Hall. These free, family-friendly events have been one of Seattle’s best-loved summer traditions for over twenty years. For more info, visit www.seattlechambermusic.org.
Music Under the Stars
Delridge Playfield (in front of the Community Center)
4501 Delridge Way S.W.
Mon., July 18, 7:15–9 p.m. Pack a picnic, grab a blanket—and the kids and the dog—and enjoy a casual evening of classical music. First is a live performance by an outstanding quartet from the Seattle Youth Symphony, followed at 8 p.m. by KING-FMs broadcast of the Seattle Chamber Music Festival concert, streamed live from Benaroya Hall. These free, family-friendly events have been one of Seattle’s best-loved summer traditions for over twenty years. For more info, visit www.seattlechambermusic.org.
Chief Sealth
Multi-Class Reunion
Lincoln Park,
Shelters #3 and #4
Fri., July 22, 5-8 p.m. All Chief Sealth High School Classes of the 1960’s & 1970’s are invited to come to the 1st Annual “Chief Sealth High Day” at Lincoln Park! Our goal is to plan for an annual event involving all 5 shelters next year, complimentary food (or bring your own) and fun for all Seahawks!For more information, please contact David Katt at djkatt@comcast.net or craigrobberts@bhhsnwre.com.
Music Under the Stars
Delridge Playfield (in front of the Community Center)
4501 Delridge Way S.W.
Mon., July 25, 7:15–9 p.m. Pack a picnic, grab a blanket—and the kids and the dog—and enjoy a casual evening of classical music. First is an eclectic program of music for guitar and violin, performed by an outstanding ensemble from Cornish College of the Arts, followed at 8 p.m. by KING-FMs broadcast of the Seattle Chamber Music Festival concert, streamed live from Benaroya Hall. These free, family-friendly events have been one of Seattle’s best-loved summer traditions for over twenty years. For more info, visit www.seattlechambermusic.org.
Sealth High School Class of 1961 55th Reunion
Rainier Golf & Country Club
Des Moines, WA
Thurs., Aug. 25, 5–9 p.m. Dead line to register/buy ticket 7/30/16. Contact Duane Stober at 253.638.2607 for more info.
Chief Sealth Class of 1966 50-Year Reunion:
Brockey Center at South Seattle College
Sat., Sept. 17, 6–11 p.m. Grads, please join us for our 50th reunion. For further information, contact Jim Starkey at james2647@comcast.net or 425-641.2647.
Volunteer with Food Lifeline to end hunger in Western Washington
40% of food in America goes to waste. You can help change that by volunteering with Food Lifeline’s Fresh Rescue program. Local grocery stores donate perishable and shelf-stable products, including produce, dairy, meat and bakery items. Volunteers work alongside a trained staff to inspect and pack grocery donations for immediate distribution to 275 local food assistance programs. Fresh Rescue volunteer sessions take place every Mon. through Fri., 8:45 a.m.–Noon and 12:45–5 p.m. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please email our volunteer team at volunteer@foodlifeline.org or visit www.foodlifeline.volunteerhub.com.
Early Days Parent
Support Group Meetings
Nurturing Expressions
4746 44th Ave. S.W., Suite 201
Every Mon., 10:30 a.m.–Noon (except federal holidays). Early Days uses the MotherWoman format to facilitate an honest discussion of the realities of parenting. Trained facilitators work to create a comfortable environment for folks to share whatever is going on for them, free of judgement or advice. You are not alone! All moms (birth, adoptive, foster) who experience emotional challenges are welcome. Come join a circle of parents that are having similar feelings and challenges! Support people and partners welcome! Suggested donation $10; no one turned away. www.TheEarlyDays.org / Facebook: EarlyDaysWS / earlydaysws@gmail.com.
Kiwanis of West Seattle
Weekly Meeting
The Sisson Building/Senior Center
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Every Wed., 6:30–7:30 p.m. Guests Welcome. People dedicated to community service, and we have FUN, too! Sponsor Key Clubs at local High Schools plus many activities to support our community.Established in West Seattle in 1929. Years and years of service to the community. Come check us out! Information: Denis Sapiro, 206.601.4136.
West Seattle
TOPS Meeting
Providence Mount St. Vincent
4831 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues. evening, 5:30–7p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us at our “Take Off Pounds Sensibly” weekly meeting, an encouraging weight loss support group. Weigh-in 5:30–6 p.m. and Meeting 6–7 p.m. Our group encourages healthy living and loss of pounds, with accountability via our weekly weigh-ins. Meetings include informative programs, challenges, awards, encouragement and lots of FUN! TOPS is an extremely affordable program. Convenient and free parking. For more information contact: Linda at 206.932.3021 or Jane at 206.938.4439.
West Seattle Lion’s Club Events
Senior Center of West Seattle – 2nd floor
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. for lunch and speaker unless otherwise noted. Call Harvey Rowe at 206.762.1221 for reservations by prior Tues. evening. Lunch $7.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Guadalupe Church
Pastoral Care Center
7000 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues., 9:30 a.m. TOPS is an encouraging weight loss support group with weigh-ins every Tuesday. For info: 206.932.2621.
“The Memory Lane Cafe”
2311 California Ave. S.W.
Third Wed. of month, 3–4:30 p.m. For persons with Dementia/Alzheimer’s and their care partners. No judgement or expectations. Just come and be yourself and have a good time! No cost other than your food and drink at happy hour prices! Sponsored by West Seattle Senior Center and Angelina’s Restaurant. Questions: theresamz@seniorservices.org or 206.932.4044.
Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Peace Lutheran Church
8316 39th Ave. S.W.
Every Thurs. evening, 7–8:15 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of women and men who meet to help solve compulsive overeating (obesity, anorexia and bulimia). The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA is a non-profit international organization patterned after the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonymous program. All are welcome. For more info 206.979.6665 or www.seattleoa.org.
AARP Defensive Driving Workshop
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 S.W. Barton St.
First Sat. of every month, ongoing, 9–5:30 p.m. $15 for members, $20 non-members. Call 206.937.6122 for info or to RSVP.
Business Network with Westside Professionals
Alki Masonic Hall
4736 40th Ave. S.W.
Every Wed., 8–9:30 a.m. Build your business through referrals and networking. For info, contact sfelix@quidnunc.net.
Join the West Seattle Lion’s Club Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Meets every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m.
Irish Dance Lessons
West Seattle VFW Hall
3601 S.W. Alaska St.
Every Mon. and Tues. in the late afternoon and early evenings. Open to children and adults. Information at 206.851.2102.
Providence Elizabeth House
3201 S.W. Graham St.
Volunteers for Playing Piano/Entertainment
Every second Thurs., 12:45–1:45 p.m. We need someone to play piano or entertain seniors for an hour or so during Birthday Celebrations.
Volunteers for Sign Language Communication with Deaf
Come in once or twice a month to speak with a senior deaf resident. This would be very beneficial for us to have an opportunity to interact with them as well as provide practice to volunteer who studies or wants to practice using sign language.
BNI West Seattle
Champion Meeting
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Every Thurs., 7:45–9:15 a.m. Learn how to grow your business with quality referrals. $10 includes breakfast.
District Council Meetings
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way S.W.
Third Wed., 7–9 p.m. Representatives from neighborhood councils and other community organizations provide reports on what issues and concerns they are working on and announcements about up-coming community meetings and events.
Stay-at-home dads
Hiawatha Playfield Playground
2700 California Ave. S.W.
Every Mon. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. A resource and community for stay-at-home dads, fathers who are primary caregiver in their family, and other involved dads are welcome. All fathers are invited.
Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Herald/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews.com. Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only.