The annual Float Dodger 5K is set to run on the West Seattle Grand Parade route right before the floats kick off on Saturday July 23. It will start and finish at Hiawatha Park and will raise funds to help eradicate cancers and provide food for people in need.
The runners enjoy a fairly level course, prizes, awards, an after party featuring root beer floats, parade viewing and a costume contest. You are welcome after the run at West Seattle Runner, across the street from the finish line for the parade and party.
Visit to register and to get more event information.
Event Information:
When: Saturday, July 23rd
Registration: 8:00am
Run Starts: 9:30am
Cost: $35 before July 21st and $40 on race day
Where: Hiawatha Park ~ 2700 California Ave SW ~ West Seattle
Why: 100% of the proceeds to benefit The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and West Seattle Food Bank. Float Dodger 5K is also a great way to get in some exercise and enjoy the community of West Seattle.