Letter: SeaTac Attorney should resign
Tue, 07/19/2016
To the editor:
The city delayed the development causing financial duress and then hired a phantom buyer to go behind the property owner's back to make an agreement with thier lenders to buy the notes? Then, had the phantom buyer threaten the owners with personal bankruptcy and take everything they have to force the owners to sign over the property to the City of SeaTac?
That is wrong on so many levels.
The 12 member jury and Judge McDermott agreed that this is wrong and awarded the property owners a total of $18.3 million.
Mary Mirante Bartolo, the SeaTac City Attorney, who oversaw the process should submit her resignation and the City of SeaTac should profoundly apologize to the Kingens.
There is something wrong with how government employees are viewing their role. This needs to be analyzed and the proper role of government more clearly defined.
D. Tapio