On the Go Week of 9-5-16
Mon, 09/05/2016
The Olympia
Chamber Brass
Alki United Church of Christ
6115 SW Hinds St, Seattle, WA
Sat., Sept. 10, 7 p.m. A musical journey with the Olympia Chamber Brass from the Renaissance to the Baroque through the Classical and Romantic ages and into the 20th Century for some jazz and toe‐tapping rags! A freewill offering of $20 suggested. Net proceeds benefit the West Seattle Helpline. Refreshments and treats at intermission. For more information call 206.935.2661 or visit www.alkiucc.org.
Snap To It! Disaster
Preparedness Seminar
Breath of Life S.D.A. Church
9807 26th Ave. S.W.
Sat., Sept. 10, 4 p.m. Workshop provided by SNAP—City of Seattle to support people in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to both thrive and recover from a disaster. You will learn how to develop a disaster plan, build a disaster supply kit, organize with your White Center/West Seattle neighbors to become better prepared. FREE vegetarian meal available after seminar. For more info call 206.762.0333.
Discovery Shop
4535 California Ave. S.W.
Starting Sept. 11. Everything Summer related is reduced 75% starting September 11. If you have faith in continued warm weather or are planning a vacation to sunny spots, you’ll want to fill your wardrobe with clothes, shoes, hats and sunglasses. While you’re in the shop look over our Antique, Vintage and Collectible shelves and check the white board at the register for unadvertised specials. When you donate, shop and volunteer with us you help us fund a cure for cancer and provide necessary services to both adults and children with cancer. . The all volunteer run non-profit American Cancer Society shop is open every Sun. 11 a.m.–3 p.m., all other days 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow our blog at www.discoveryshopwestseattle.org and LIKE us on Facebook.
‘Words, Writers
& West Seattle’
Barnes & Noble/Westwood Village
2600 S.W. Barton St.
Fri., Sept. 9, 5 p.m. Free monthly book-talk series sponsored by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. This month’s author is Local Writer Molly Ringle on her New Adult Fantasy, Immortal’s Spring, Ringle’s third and final book in a successful series, The Chrysomelia Stories. For videos on past authors’ presentations, visit: www.loghousemuseum.info/events/words-writers-and-west-seattle. For more information contact Dora-Faye Hendricks at 206.280.9983 or by e-mail at Dora-Faye@comcast.net.
Delridge Community
Center Park’s ‘Day of Dance’ 2016
Delridge Playfield, N.W. corner
4458 Delridge Way S.W.
Sat., Sept. 10, Noon–6 p.m. Let’s celebrate community and dance! This cross-cultural arts festival features traditional master artists, music and dance classes. The event will close with performances from featured artists of the day within an immersion of audience participation and experience. This free event is funded by the Arts in Parks program, made possible by the Seattle Park District. For more info visit www.facebook.com/pages/The-Very-Franchesska-Berry/111126405569308.
TAF Summer BBQ
Bethaday Community Learning Space (TAF)
605 S.W. 108th St.
Sat., Sept. 10, Noon–4 p.m. Technology Access Foundation (TAF) will kick off its 20th anniversary celebration with a free barbecue for it’s longtime supporters and the surrounding White Center community. For almost 20 years, TAF has provided technical and STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) education to students of color. It’s mission is to improve the trajectory of students of color in life and in college, and ultimately introduce more diversity to STEM and tech fields. TAF’s Neighborhood Builder’s Summer BBQ is a free community event designed for neighbors and friends of TAF to come together, eat, listen to music, participate in crafts and more. RSVP at www.techaccess.org/celebrate.
Holy Rosary
4210 S.W. Genesee St.
Fri., Sept. 16, 6–10 p.m. and Sat., Sept. 17, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. A fun filled weekend with rides, kids games, an entertainment stage, specialty food booths, BINGO, a used book sale, a reaffle, and much more! For more information visit westfest.holyrosaryws.org.
Chief Sealth Class of
1966 50-Year Reunion
Brockey Center at
South Seattle College
Sat., Sept. 17, 6–11 p.m. Grads, please join us for our 50th reunion. For further information, contact Jim Starkey at james2647@comcast.net or 425.641.2647.
Grace Church
10323 28th Ave. S.W.
Every Sat. from Sept 10–Dec. 3, 10 a.m.–Noon. Grace Church, in West Seattle, will host a 13-week GriefShare recovery support group for those that have lost a loved one by death. You are free to start at any time. A one-time $15 charge will cover the cost of your workbook. For information please contact Grace Church, 206.937.8400 or Barb at 206.932.7459.
Alzheimer Caregiver
Support Group
Providence Mt. St. Vincent,
4831 35th Ave S.W.
Third Thurs. of the month, 1–2:30 p.m. Caring for someone with memory loss? Do you need information and support? Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support groups provide a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are also on a unique journey of providing care to a person with memory loss. For information call Kristine Kumangai at 206.937.3701 ext. 28345.
Volunteer with Food Lifeline to end hunger in Western Washington
Every Mon.–Fri., 8:45 a.m.–Noon and 12:45–5 p.m. 40% of food in America goes to waste. You can help change that by volunteering with Food Lifeline’s Fresh Rescue program. Local grocery stores donate perishable and shelf-stable products, including produce, dairy, meat and bakery items. Volunteers work alongside a trained staff to inspect and pack grocery donations for immediate distribution to 275 local food assistance programs. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please email our volunteer team at volunteer@foodlifeline.org or visit www.foodlifeline.volunteerhub.com.
Early Days Parent
Support Group Meetings
Nurturing Expressions
4746 44th Ave. S.W., Suite 201
Every Mon., 10:30 a.m.–Noon (except federal holidays). Early Days uses the MotherWoman format to facilitate an honest discussion of the realities of parenting. Trained facilitators work to create a comfortable environment for folks to share whatever is going on for them, free of judgement or advice. You are not alone! All moms (birth, adoptive, foster) who experience emotional challenges are welcome. Come join a circle of parents that are having similar feelings and challenges! Support people and partners welcome! Suggested donation $10; no one turned away. www.TheEarlyDays.org / Facebook: EarlyDaysWS / earlydaysws@gmail.com.
Kiwanis of West Seattle
Weekly Meeting
The Sisson Building/Senior Center
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Every Wed., 6:30–7:30 p.m. Guests Welcome. People dedicated to community service, and we have FUN, too! Sponsor Key Clubs at local High Schools plus many activities to support our community.Established in West Seattle in 1929. Years and years of service to the community. Come check us out! Information: Denis Sapiro, 206.601.4136.
West Seattle
TOPS Meeting
Providence Mount St. Vincent
4831 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues. evening, 5:30–7p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us at our “Take Off Pounds Sensibly” weekly meeting, an encouraging weight loss support group. Weigh-in 5:30–6 p.m., Meeting 6–7 p.m. Our group encourages healthy living and loss of pounds, with accountability via our weekly weigh-ins. Informative programs, challenges, awards, encouragement and lots of FUN! TOPS is an extremely affordable program. Convenient and free parking. For more information contact: Linda at 206.932.3021 or Jane at 206.938.4439.
West Seattle Lion’s Club Events
Senior Center of West Seattle
2nd floor
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. for lunch and speaker unless otherwise noted. Call Harvey Rowe at 206.762.1221 for reservations by prior Tues. evening. Lunch $7.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Guadalupe Church
Pastoral Care Center
7000 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues., 9:30 a.m. TOPS is an encouraging weight loss support group with weigh-ins every Tuesday. For info: 206.932.2621.
Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Peace Lutheran Church
8316 39th Ave. S.W.
Every Thurs. evening, 7–8:15 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of women and men who meet to help solve compulsive overeating (obesity, anorexia and bulimia). The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA is a non-profit international organization patterned after the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonymous program. All are welcome. For more info 206.979.6665 or www.seattleoa.org.
AARP Defensive Driving Workshop
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 S.W. Barton St.
First Sat. of every month, ongoing, 9–5:30 p.m. $15 for members, $20 non-members. Call 206.937.6122 for info or to RSVP.
Business Network with Westside Professionals
Alki Masonic Hall
4736 40th Ave. S.W.
Every Wed., 8–9:30 a.m. Build your business through referrals and networking. For info, contact sfelix@quidnunc.net.
Join the West Seattle Lion’s Club Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Meets every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m.
Irish Dance Lessons
West Seattle VFW Hall
3601 S.W. Alaska St.
Every Mon. and Tues. in the late afternoon and early evenings. Open to children and adults. Information at 206.851.2102.
Providence Elizabeth House
3201 S.W. Graham St.
Volunteers for Playing Piano/Entertainment
Every second Thurs., 12:45–1:45 p.m. We need someone to play piano or entertain seniors for an hour or so during Birthday Celebrations.
Volunteers for Sign Language Communication with Deaf
Come in once or twice a month to speak with a senior deaf resident. This would be very beneficial for us to have an opportunity to interact with them as well as provide practice to volunteer who studies or wants to practice using sign language.
BNI West Seattle
Champion Meeting
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Every Thurs., 7:45–9:15 a.m. Learn how to grow your business with quality referrals. $10 includes breakfast.
District Council Meetings
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way S.W.
Third Wed., 7–9 p.m. Representatives from neighborhood councils and other community organizations provide reports on what issues and concerns they are working on and announcements about up-coming community meetings and events.
Stay-at-home dads
Hiawatha Playfield Playground
2700 California Ave. S.W.
Every Mon. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. A resource and community for stay-at-home dads, fathers who are primary caregiver in their family, and other involved dads are welcome. All fathers are invited.
Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Herald/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews.com. Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only. Others may call Richard Sherman at 206.356.7288 for inclusion in our “Out & About” advertising column.