ABHOW’s Judson Park Receives “Best of the Best Award” from Masterpiece Living for Purposeful Inclusivity
Tue, 09/27/2016
Des Moines, WA – ABHOW’s Judson Park was awarded the Best of the Best Award from Masterpiece Living (MPL) for Purposeful Inclusivity. The Best of the Best Award recognizes truly outstanding practices that are more comprehensive and systematic than typically found in the aging field. Judson Park is a standout in the Masterpiece Living network because of their continual efforts to become more creative and more dynamic, inspiring the aging field to push the limits of what is possible with age.
Judson Park (a Masterpiece Living partner and Certified Center for Successful Aging) received the Best of the Best award because of their “affirmative action” approach to purposeful inclusivity.
Not long ago the senior living industry witnessed segregation across different levels of living within retirement communities (e.g. independent, assisted, memory care and skilled nursing), to include lodging, dining, and activities. Then, a shift began as policies and practices within these communities began welcoming all residents, no matter where they laid their head at night. While this marked a dramatic improvement to the way in which we approach retirement living, more action was still necessary to create and nurture meaningful relationships among all residents, despite differing abilities.
“A recent study revealed a stigma surrounding levels of care, where those in assisted living or memory care were described as living in ‘the Twilight Zone’,” Judson Park Executive Director, Nikole Jay, said. “Those in independent living tend to avoid those in higher levels of living, often concealing their own signs of decline for fear of how others might perceive them. Our approach to inclusivity demonstrates that it is possible to create a culture where everyone, regardless of challenges, is honored, respected and welcome.”
Key paradigms that differentiate Judson Park from other organizations include:
A shift from the initial, more prescriptive approach to inclusion to one that is
organic and cultural.
A fundamental change in perception from residents. Those who used to say, “They
don’t belong here” are now the biggest advocates of inclusivity.
A relationship-first approach to event planning, where people are not just going to
an event – they’re going to connect with people.
The ongoing, creative refinement of inclusive purposeful programming over the
years, creating opportunities for more resident-led activities that engage everyone.
“As human beings, we tend to seek out others who are like us – similar goals, similar values, and people who look like us, So, if we see someone different from ourselves, we won’t necessarily reach out right away.” Ken Ray, fitness coordinator for Judson Park said. “But once people start recognizing that we all share similar goals and dreams, they begin to say, ‘Hey, I have a lot more in common with them than I thought.’ When that happens, we start to break down the barriers of stereotyping.”
In conjunction with the International Council of Active Aging, Judson Park will be celebrating Active Aging Week again this year. Based on resident desire to continue to learn and grow, there will be a Lyceum held during the week of September 26-30, 2016. More details are available on the Judson Park website.
For more information about Judson Park and the Best of the Best award, please contact Nikole Jay at 206-824-4000. www.judsonpark.com
About The Judson Park
Judson Park , a continuing care retirement community, in Des Moines, Washington, is managed by ABHOW, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. ABHOW is a nonsectarian corporation, serving seniors through quality retirement housing since 1949.