American Rage--a presentation
Thu, 10/06/2016
Join your friends and neighbors this Sunday for a program that you won't soon forget. Cornell Clayton has made a study of American rudeness. When political debate reaches a boiling point, often its because the nation is reaching a turning point, when change has become necessary, but that change is held back because of entrenched forces. This is the perspective that WSU Professor Clayton offers in his presentation, "Political Incivility and Polarization in America." In his presentation, Clayton compares the current period of political incivility with other flashpoints in American history to prove how incivility has served as a catalyst to move the nation forward when other means have failed.
Admission and parking are free. The program is at SeaTac City Hall, at 1 PM on Sunday, October 9th. SeaTac City Hall is located at 4800 S 188th.