UPDATE: Two West Seattle teens missing near Snoqualmie found safe
Ryan Kimsey and Tyler Hammond were missing near Issaquah/Snoqualmie but have been found safe.
Sat, 10/29/2016
UPDATE 9:05am
The two West Seattle teen boys that were reported missing near Issaquah/Snoqualmie have been found safe. No details on their recovery were released. From his Snapchat account Tyler Hammond said,
" Yo me and my friend just got lost in the forest. We are totally OK Stop worrying please. Did not run away! We got lost on the run we went on tonight's and couldn't find our way back until this morning!"
Original post:
On Oct 26 Tyler Hammond and his friend Ryan Kimsey left West Seattle to go for a trail run around 7pm in the mountains somewhere in the Issaquah/Snoqualmie area. They were supposed to have returned home by midnight and failed to do so and have not been heard from. It is not typical for these boys to not check in with family or friends.
Their parents and friends are very concerned for the safety and well-being of both boys.
A police report was made Thursday morning for both boys and their vehicle. A Missing Persons Report is filed. Several area police departments have done some initial searches in the area and the phone tracking of the teens is showing up in the Issaquah/Renton area (within 30 mile radius).
Today a non-police sanctioned search party is being organized by some of the members of Tyler's church family of West Side Presbyterian Church with a lot of support from Seattle Lutheran High School and Hope Lutheran School.
Details of Saturday (10/29) Search Party:
Meeting time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: QFC at 1540 NW Gillman Blvd in Issaquah.
Tyler Hammond, 17 years old. Senior at Seattle Lutheran High School.
White male, 5' 8", 157 lbs, dark brown hair, blue eyes
Clothing: jeans or grey rain pants, grey hoodie, royal blue jacket with hood
Ryan Kimsey, 17 years old, Senior at West Seattle High School.
Hispanic/White male, dark black hair, brown eyes, 5'8", approx. 200 lbs
Clothing: all black clothing
Driving Nissan Maxima 1998, Beige, License plate: AZH2258 (car has not been recovered)
Last time seen or heard from:
Wednesday, October 26th at 7pm
Contact info for general information about the search:
If have any leads, call 911 or National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678.
Come prepared for driving and walking, groups of two or more - so someone can look and one can drive, and possibly some hiking through the parks. Squak and Tiger mountains may require a Discover Pass.
Please use the contact email above for any general questions about the missing persons or search process, but use the emergency contact info for any specific sightings or knowledge of the teens' location.