Rezoning for affordability in District 1; Highland Park Action Committee urging public involvement
Wed, 11/09/2016
information from the Highland Park Action Committee
HPAC urges members to attend this info session hosted by the Morgan Community Association (MoCA) on Tuesday, November 29, 2016, from 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Highland Park Improvement Club
This informational session to help you understand Seattle’s Mandatory Housing Affordability rezones proposed for the five District 1 Urban Villages, in advance of a December city-sponsored Open House. This learning session will enable you to go the Open House knowing what is proposed and prepared to give input or ask questions of City staff.
For the past year, the City of Seattle has been developing plans to fund affordable housing. One of the proposals is the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) concept. Under MHA, new development in Seattle will contribute directly to affordable housing by either building affordable homes on site or making a payment to the City to fund affordable housing throughout Seattle. To put MHA requirements into effect, the City must make zoning changes that will allow more development within Urban Villages and other areas zoned for multifamily and commercial development.Proposed areas of rezoning are depicted in newly released maps, and City staff will want input on proposed District 1 rezones at their December 7 Open House.
It is a complicated issue, with lots of ‘moving parts.’ To help you figure out what is going on, we’re setting up a user-friendly informational session with goals of:
° To give enough background information so people understand the MHA proposed program;
° To understand how to read the proposed rezone maps;
° To remind people of their Urban Village Neighborhood Plan Goals and Policies and relationship to MHA principles;
° To give people tools so that they enter the City’s Open House able to give informed input and/or ask questions to get the information they need.
Please join us -
Rezoning for Affordability in District 1: The City Wants Your Input – Do You Know What’s Going On?
Tuesday, November 29, 2016, from 6:30 - 8:30pm
Highland Park Improvement Club
1116 - SW Holden Street, Seattle, WA 98106
o Street parking is available nearby
o Metro Routes 125 and 128 stop at 16th Ave. SW at Holden; walk east on Holden to 12th Street
o Light refreshments will be available
o There will be a coloring corner for kids.
HALA Community Meeting Hosted by City of Seattle
SW Community Meeting: Affordable Housing Neighborhood Maps + Other City Services
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2016, 5:30 – 7:30PM
Location Shelby's Bistro and Ice Creamery, 4752 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116