Petal Power, the theme for the Junction Merchants 'Adopt-a-basket' program lets you sponsor one of the large, beautiful and elaborate flower baskets that grace the West Seattle Junction from Edmunds Street SW to SW Genesee Street every spring and summer. Your name or message of your choice will accompany your sponsorship for only $145.
The West Seattle Junction Merchants have announced a new program launching this May in which the now well known flower baskets, all 95 of them, in the junction are available for sponsorship by individuals or businesses.
The "Adopt-A-Basket" program, created by Lora Swift and the Merchants association allows you for a $145 donation (you can purchase more than one basket) adopt a flower basket that will show the neighborhood your support for West Seattle. Your basket is professionally planted and designed by City Planters. The Junction Association will take care of watering and maintaining your basket.
Your basket will be completed with an engraved name plate affixed to the historic light pole showing who adopted it. You may have the name plate in your name, for a gift (fun for an anniversary or birthday), or in memory.
At the end of the season, in September, you can take the plants, and the name plate or renew your sponsorship for the following year.
To take part in the program, visit and fill out the form.
Here's a Frequently Asked Questions list about the program from the Junction Merchants:
Who can adopt a basket?
The adopter can be a person, group, family or individual.
Where and when will the flower baskets be hung?
The basket will be hung on a one of the historic light poles which line California Avenue. The baskets are hung mid May until mid September.
Who maintains the flower baskets?
Each basket receives daily watering and maintenance which will be funded by the West Seattle Junction Association merchants.
What is the cost for the flower baskets? Can I adopt more than one?
The cost for each basket is $145.00, you may purchase more than one basket. Two baskets are priced at a discounted $280.00 Three baskets are priced a discounted $415.00. Please contact the Junction Association if you wish to adopt more than three baskets. We have 95 available baskets.
What does the adoption fee cover?
Your adoption fee includes a professionally grown and planted flower basket and a plaque which will be placed on the light pole under your basket.
Can I keep the plaque and flower basket?
You may keep the plaque when the baskets are removed in September, the physical baskets belong to the grower. We can arrange for you to repot the flowers if requested in advance of the removal. We will email you two weeks prior to your basket being removed.
How much text can I include on the plaque?
Text is limited to 2 lines. You can include your name, organization, business name, group, family name. Plus, one additional line of text up to 15 letters.
How do I pay for the flower basket?
You can adopt and pay for your flower basket via credit card through our online application. Or mail a check to the Junction Association along with this form. Make checks payable to West Seattle Junction Association. Mail to 4210 SW Oregon St, Suite A Seattle WA 98116.
Is the Junction Association a nonprofit?
Yes, the Junction Association is a 501(c)(3), your adoption is a nonprofit donation.