LETTER: How Does It Feel?
Tue, 01/17/2017
To the editor:
The Republicans are so bound and determined to repeal Obamacare, this being their rallying cry! As Chuck Grassley recently stated, the repeal would occur quickly yet a replacement for it may take a while. Well, I will say this, Republicans: The day you repeal Obamacare and have no new and fair system in place, your own healthcare plans are frozen and not available to you. Then and only then will you fully understand how vulnerable 30 million people will be, as you play your political games! The free markets, the competition among for-profit businesses, caused the huge mess that we found ourselves in – the very reason for The Patient Protection Act (aka Affordable Act akaObamacare) in the first place! And you want to throw this out because it was an accomplishment of the Democrats?
Throughout the political history of this country, the Republican politicians fought hard, and continue to do so, to destroy the very existence of: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and all other social programs. Every single improvement in the quality of life of the American people has been the result of the hard work of the Democrats – not the Republicans. The GOP now controls 2, soon all three, branches of our government. Control at the State level is also becoming increasingly more Republican. I would like to send a Shout-out to all decent, hard-working, conservative people out there of humble beginnings: Why are you doing this to our country and to yourselves (and to the rest of us, as a result)? Why don’t you take your guns, which you have the right to own – and shoot yourself in the foot?? When life gets really crappy for you, just read my T-shirt: ‘Don’t Blame Me! I Have Never Voted Republican.'
David S. Gooding
Normandy Park