JuNO Land Use community meeting set for Jan. 19
Tue, 01/17/2017
Thursday - 1/19 JuNO Land Use Committee Community meeting
6:30-7:30 West Seattle Senior Center Hattan Hall
This will be a workshop meeting to allow our neighbors an opportunity to discuss a response that is related to rezoning, infrastructure and affordable housing in our West Seattle Junction Urban Village in an open forum. The rezone is contrary to the West Seattle Junction Neighborhood Plan previously adopted by the City that prioritizes retaining existing single-family zoned areas, which will be discussed. We also want to work together to raise awareness of the draft MHA HALA proposal to our neighbors that not yet heard about it or are unclear about what it means. This can be done with media, social media, and block captains. More volunteers needed. JuNO believes that it is important for all of the neighborhoods in West Seattle to start working together to speak with a unified voice on the common issues in order to be heard.
The community outreach process by The Department of Planning and Community Development has been a top concern for our neighborhood and our community agreed in the last JuNO meeting that the current timeline will not allow sufficient time for community engagement/review/response and we are petitioning for a six-month extension. You may have signed the petition that is going around. We also are launching an online petition soon, stay tuned. Thank you Christy & Janine!!!
This meeting is Hosted by The JuNO Land Use Committee, which is a part of JuNO that will focus helping the West Seattle Junction neighborhood influence programs that include proposed land use changes such as HALA and ST3.