Port of Seattle to hold Flight Corridor Safety Program update, February 1, 6–8 p.m. at SeaTac Community Center
Tue, 01/24/2017
SEATTLE – Join Port of Seattle staff at the third Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Flight Corridor Safety Program open house, February 1, from 6 – 8 p.m. at SeaTac Community Center, 13735 24th Ave. S. in SeaTac.
The Port of Seattle’s Flight Corridor Safety Program and Replanting Plan replaces over-height trees with native, low-growing trees and shrubs in Sea-Tac Airport’s flight corridor. In late 2016, the Port Commission, responding to community concerns, voted to modify the program, approving work on select Port properties while calling for more community engagement before determining the removal and replanting approach for trees on Port property near South 200th Street.
This week, invasive vegetation, tree removal work and site preparation work will occur on Port property on the airfield’s west-side, with replanting to occur in the coming months.
The February 1 open house will be another opportunity for the public to hear about current work and modifications to the program that replaces over-height trees in the Sea-Tac Airport flight corridor with native, lower-growing trees and shrubs.
Port staff will update participants:
Seek public input on removal and replanting approaches for specific Port-owned properties along South 200th Street,
Provide updates on replanting and removal work under way on other Port-owned properties and,
Share information about the Port’s Airport Communities Ecology Fund to invest in environmental projects and programs in the airport communities.
For more information and Frequently Asked Questions on the program, visit the project webpage here or visit www.portseattle.org/safecorridor.