Design Review meeting on four story 108 unit mixed use bldg set for Mar. 2
Thu, 02/09/2017
The next design review meeting is set for March 2, over the construction of a 4-story, 108-unit apartment building with 25,000 sq. ft. of retail at ground level on the current site of the PCC Natural Market. Parking for 158 vehicles to be provided at and below grade, which includes 30 existing parking spaces on adjacent surface parking lot. Environmental review includes demolition of existing retail structure. As the Herald reported in August the completed building would have residential outdoor garden terraces and enclosed amenity spaces within the three stories above ground level.
The existing 11,427 sq ft. of surface parking area west of the alley with parking stalls would remain as an accessory use for the proposed retail spaces.
The project was designed by Hewitt Architects and is being developed by the Madison Development Group.
The current tenant Puget Consumers Co-Op Natural Markets (PCC) said online, "PCC reached an agreement with the new landlord and will return as the retail tenant in the building once the project is complete, securing our long-term future in West Seattle, a community we have served for over 25 years.
Demolition will begin next year and, as a result, we anticipate the West Seattle PCC will close, temporarily, in early 2017. While we are sad to close for a while, we are pleased to confirm that we will be able to serve our West Seattle members and shoppers for decades to come.
We will reopen on California Avenue SW in mid- to late-2018 with a 25,000-square foot store that will feature all the best that PCC has to offer. During the closure, we will continue to offer delivery to West Seattle through both Instacart and Prime Now."
Date: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: West Seattle Senior Center
4217 SW Oregon St
Hatten Hall
All meeting facilities are ADA compliant. Translators or interpreters provided upon request. Please contact the Public Resource Center at or (206) 684-8467 at least five business days prior to the meeting to request this service.
The Director will accept written comments on the design in preparation for the Design Review Recommendation meeting through March 2, 2017. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues, which you believe, should be addressed in the design for this project.
Comments and requests to be made party of record should be submitted to or City of Seattle – Seattle DCI – PRC, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000, PO Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019.
An application for Design Review related to future development of this site has been submitted to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (Seattle DCI). This second stage of Design Review is the Recommendation phase.
At the Design Review Board Recommendation meeting, the following occurs:
The applicant will present information about the proposed design and how it responds to the Design Review Guideline priorities established at the previous Early Design Guidance meeting(s).
The public may offer comments regarding the proposed design.*
The Design Review Board will offer their recommendations regarding the design to Seattle DCI.
Following the meeting, Seattle DCI will issue a written Recommendation report summarizing the meeting. This report will be sent to those who signed in at the meeting or otherwise requested a copy.
*Please note that public comment at the Recommendation meeting is limited to design considerations. If environmental review is triggered, comments related to environmental impacts (such as traffic, parking, noise, etc) may be sent to Seattle DCI following notice of that review.
This proposal may be viewed at our Design Review Program website at
For more information regarding this application or the Design Review process, you may contact the Land Use Planner listed above, go to the Design Review Program website or visit the office at the address above. (open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 10:30 am to 4 pm Tuesday and Thursday.) Additional application documents for this proposal may be found at