Early Notice: Seafair Pirates Landing set for July 8; They want more people, vendors and fun
Fri, 03/24/2017
information from the Seattle Seafair Pirates
The Seafair Pirates and Monumental Undertaking present
Saturday, July 8,2017 - 10am-Spm
Alki Beach - 1702 Alki Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Free, family fun with kids activities, live music, mermaids, vendors, and the Seafo;r Pirates storming the beach with the tides!
The Seattle Seafair Pirates Landing is a historic event and, since 1949, one of the mainstays of our Seafair traditions. Taking place at Alki Beach in West Seattle, the Pirates will storm the beach ready to rabble-rouse and create mayhem!
Will anyone be able to stop them from marauding the City of Seattle? You'll have to be there to find out!
This year, as the Pirates take to the streets and shores to begin their annual pillaging, Alki Beach will be filled with mermaids, kids activities, live music, and crah and food vendors to celebrate the Pirates' arrival in style.
Additionally, the Alki merchants will be on hand up and down the street with their fabulous food, beverages, and wares available. The event is free, family friendly, and open to the public!
In addition to attending the event, there are many ways to get involved with this great Seattle tradition! The Seattle Seafair Pirates Landing is seeking the following:
• Vendors with pirate/nautical/maritime-themed art, crahs, and products who would like to vend at the landing
• Face painters, psychics, henna artists, etc. who would like to provide services to event attendees
• Food trucks and vendors to feed the hungry pirate masses
• Commercial and merchant sponsors who want to show their support for our Seafair Pirate community
• Non-profits and local small businesses interested in providing a pirate/nautical/maritime themed kids activity in exchange for complimentary booth or tabling space.
For more information, please see seafairpirateslanding.com or email us at vendors@monumentalundertaking.com
Come on down to Alki and storm the beach with us!