Precinct Commander Davis speaks about crime prevention in West Seattle
Fri, 04/14/2017
By Lindsay Peyton
Captain Pierre Davis, of the Seattle Police Department’s Southwest Precinct, doesn’t want to simply fight crime.
His goal is to prevent incidents from even happening in the first place.
“We’d like to get ahead of things,” Davis said.
He provided a brief overview of crime issues in the area at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce April Luncheon on Thursday, April 13.
Davis explained that property crimes – car theft, burglary, larceny, theft, shoplifting, and vandalism – are the top concerns for West Seattle.
Arresting repeat offenders – and making changes to the system to keep suspects in jail are ways to create a positive change, he said.
“When my officers make an arrest, we don’t want to see those individuals right out on the street again before we even finish writing our reports,” Davis said. “That is totally not acceptable to us.”
Crimes associated with the homeless population of the city are another area of concern, he said.
Both property crimes and homelessness have ties to heroin use, Davis added.
“We’re not going to be able to arrest our way out of this problem,” he said. “It just doesn’t work that way.”
Creating a robust outreach system is a necessity, he said.
“These individuals are addicted to opiates, and that’s what’s driving their lives right now,” he said.
Davis said West Seattle now has a full-time bike squad to help combat crime. He also introduced the Southwest Precinct’s new crime prevention coordinator, Jennifer Burbridge.
Davis said the entire community of West Seattle has to work together to prevent crime.
“You guys are more ears and eyes than we could ever have in the precinct building,” he said. “Communication is key.”
He added that reporting crimes or suspicious activity is imperative for the police force.
Davis also recommended that residents learn ways to eliminate the opportunities for crime. For example, he said not to leave valuables in vehicles.
“If you don’t do anything else, take that stuff out of your car,” he said. “Let’s not give these guys the opportunity to make you victims.”
Davis said that the Southwest Precinct, 2300 SW Webster, will be hosting a drug take-back event – for expired prescriptions -- from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. “This is a great way to get that stuff out of your house,” he said.
Sandy Adams introduced Davis during the chamber luncheon – and said she has heard him speak numerous times during neighborhood block watch events.
She encouraged residents to work with the police to fight crime. “We need to get to know each other better – and strive to help each other,” she said. “My hope is this will be the beginning of many conversations.”
For more information about the Southwest Precinct, visit
For more information about the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, visit
The Southwest Precinct non-emergency number is (206) 733-9800.