Protect funding for health and nutrition programs
Mon, 05/08/2017
I am writing this letter in response to the proposed cuts to U.S. foreign aid. Not long ago, I moved from Ethiopia to the United States. I come from the Northern part of the country, where there was recurrent drought and famine, resulting in forced migration and child malnutrition. According to the Washington Post, the drought and famine are affecting close to 7.5 million people. Many people from my home country, including children, are depending on the U.S. to maintain funding for humanitarian programs. Their lives are counting on it.
The United States is a global leader in helping to save the lives of children from illnesses such as malnutrition, pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea. Since 1990, American international aid has helped reduce preventable deaths of children worldwide by more than half. There is more work to do, but that is an incredible accomplishment that has helped stabilize our world.
But now, programs that have helped save millions of lives are in jeopardy. Congress is considering President Trump’s budget proposal, which would make devastating cuts to the foreign assistance budget, reversing all that America has done to build stronger communities and save lives around the world.
As an advocate for Save the Children Action Network, I know that we should preserve America’s legacy of helping children around the world survive and thrive.
I urge Sen. Murray and Sen. Cantwell to protect funding for critical health and nutrition programs that save moms and kids as Congress considers fiscal year 2018 appropriations. Investing in kids today helps create a better tomorrow.
Samson Yesuf
Student, Highline Community College
and immigrant from Ethiopia