Quick action by Starbucks employee saves a man's life
Sat, 06/24/2017
From a Fire Department news release:
An adult male suffered a catastrophic medical emergency just prior to making entrance to the Starbucks located in the 14800 block of Ambaum Blvd SW.
According to witnesses who called 911 just before 5pm, the gentleman experienced a sudden cardiac event, went unconscious and collapsed on the sidewalk at the entrance to the store.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA) out of the 350,000 out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest events occurring annually, 90% die because they don’t receive immediate CPR from someone on scene. Remarkably, it has been reported that CPR performed in the first few minutes, can double or triple the chance of survival. This was the case in this event.
Due to the fast actions of Natasha Stapp, a Starbucks employee performing citizen CPR, the chain of survival went unbroken. In addition, quick arrival and professional performance by Burien firefighters, King County Medic‐One Paramedics and Tri‐Med Ambulance employees, the Burien community member was resuscitated and transported to Highline hospital where he was reportedly discharged within days with no deficits.
This incident is a great example of the highest level of community involvement, reflecting great individual credit upon the Starbucks employee and the professional services involved in saving the life of the community member we all proudly serve.
The man who was saved is Chris Smith.
On June 15,, the Burien Fire Department held a special commissioner meeting to recognize Starbucks employees that initiated CPR on one of their customers.