To the editor:
The "Burien Proud, Burien First"...what is that suppose to mean? With so many things being "proud" these days, the meaning seems lost. In Danny Westneat's November 12, Seattle Times column "'Immigrant Dream' Comes True In Burien", he states that Burien is 24% Latino. If that's true and you add in populations of Asian-American, African (from the continent), and immigrants from any other country with people of "color", what's the Caucasian/white population of Burien? It looks like "white people" are truly a "minority" in Burien and the 2017 city council voting results would seem to verify that. Your featured, disgruntled letter writers don't like being labeled as supporting a hate group. You were just telling it like it is because they are supporting a hate group. Is it just coincidence that the four "Burien Proud/Burien First" candidates for the Burien city council are listed on the "Respect Washington" flyer? "Respect Washington" isn't about being "inclusive" when it comes to citizenship. They want it to be "exclusive" as in excluding "the other". Unfortunately for Mr. and Mrs. Disgruntled, the "Respect Washington" people want to divide, not unite, and the tactic they use is right out of the 1950's "McCarthy" era. It's all about "the other" with "those people". Keep up the continued good editorializing and Viva Burien. signed:
Richard B. Ellenberger,
Normandy Park