UPDATE: Myrtle Reservoir Park vandalized; Seattle Parks responds quickly
UPDATE: Myrtle Reservoir Park vandalized; Seattle Parks responds quickly
Someone took a vehicle out on the lawn of the Myrtle Street Reservoir Park and damaged the lawn last weekend. Seattle Parks is looking at ways to prevent this happening again.
Photo by Kimberly Robinson
Fri, 04/06/2018
After being alerted by Westside Seattle to the damage done to the field at Myrtle Reservoir Park, Seattle Parks took dramatic action within two days. The field had been ravaged by someone in a vehicle, that tore up the grass on the lid of the now underground reservoir. Parks has re-seeded and groomed that damage and brought in eight large boulders on both sides of the park that will prevent a future drive on. Signage is also up now alerting people to the renovation of the field so they stay off it during the re-growth of the grass and sod.
Eight large boulders are now in place at Myrtle Reservoir Park to prevent cars from driving on. Photo by Kimberly Robinson This sign now alerts people to the field being renovated. Photo by Kimberly Robinson
Original Post 4-3-18
The open grass field at Myrtle Reservoir Park was damaged in the last few days by someone driving a vehicle, destroying the lawn surface. Karen O’Connor of Seattle Parks said "they have not had problems previously and will look into how the vehicle accessed the park and if they can prevent it from happening again."
They were previously unaware of the damage until notified by Westside Seattle.
Driving on the lawn at the park is not allowed at any time since it sits atop a lidded reservoir that was finished in 2010. The soil cap is only 18 inches deep at certain points.
The previous reservoir was torn down in 2005 and replaced with a lidded version as were other open air reservoirs in the City of Seattle.
The Myrtle Street Reservoir under construction in 2005. File Photo by Patrick Robinson