You have a chance to help shape the West Seattle Greenway Connection, specifically the North Admiral neighborhood either by attending a meeting on the topic or via online survey.
SDOT has selected a final route based on what they heard from the West Seattle community, data they’ve collected, and guidance from the bicycle master plan. Construction will begin this spring on the first phase between SW Roxbury to SW Graham St on 30th Ave. We also are excited to extend the Greenway into the North Admiral district. Information on how to participate and what to expect is included in the invitation.
Since summer 2016, they’ve been working with West Seattle community members to select a route for a new north-south West Seattle neighborhood greenway to begin construction this summer.
The West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway project will include:
- 20 mph speed limit signs and speed humps to calm traffic
- Stop signs for side streets crossing the neighborhood greenway
- Signs and pavement markings to help people find their way
- Easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or traffic signals
Help Plan For The North Admiral Connection
What they hope to hear:
- Which street routes would best connect you to your neighborhood destinations?
- What would make you most comfortable while walking or biking through the North Admiral district and California Junction?
Attend a drop-in event to learn more about the North Admiral Connection project and tell SDOT what you think.
Thursday, April 19: 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM
West Seattle Library
2306 42nd Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Can’t make it? Take the online survey, open through April 28.