District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold has shared with her constituents news about the Early Scoping Summary Report from Sound Transit regarding the ST3 extensions to Ballard and West Seattle
Herbold write: "Sound Transit has released an Early Scoping Summary Report, which includes summaries of the first round of public comments for proposals for the ST3 light rail extensions to West Seattle and Ballard.
Here’s a link to the full summary report, and to a shorter summary without the appendices.
Comments for the West Seattle portion begin on page 25. There was broad concern about the impact of an elevated guideway through Delridge, Avalon, and the Alaska Junction; nearly 300 comments were received in support of a tunnel from at least the Avalon Station to the Junction Station, and around 50 comments for each of the three proposed stations. There was some support for an elevated line, especially if it keeps the project on schedule and budget.
Sound Transit provided a presentation to the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) earlier this week on potential options to study in greater detail. The SAG will provide “Level 1” recommendations on April 24th. Slides 15-23 show West Seattle alternatives, which include tunnel routes and alternate elevated alignments, and key findings of early level of evaluation by Sound Transit. Different elements of each can be mixed and matched.
I support moving forward tunnel options for consideration.
Sound Transit will hold a series of public Neighborhood Forums, including one in West Seattle on Saturday, May 5th from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Alki Masonic Center at 4736 40th Avenue SW.
After the Stakeholder Advisory Group makes its recommendations, the Elected Leadership Group will vote on Level 1 recommendations to pursue on May 17th."