District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold offered some news to her constituents regarding the expansion of the Ready to Work program into West Seattle.
Herbold writes: "On Monday April 16th I had the opportunity to visit the Ready to Work program’s expansion into District 1. During the 2018 budget I advocated for funding to expand the Ready to Work (RTW) program into West Seattle. Ready to Work is for people who face barriers to employment and need support learning English. The success of the Ready to Work model comes from its focus not only on English as a Second Language classes (levels 1-3) but its suite of supports including computer literacy, employment-based case management, and co-location of the program with other intersecting supports like childcare. The West Seattle RTW program is a collaboration of Neighborhood House and Literacy Source and is hosted at the Neighborhood House High Point Center.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about or signing up for the West Seattle Ready to Work program, please contact Abdi at 206-588-4901 or abdii@nhwa.org "