To submit your non-profit calendar item to our community calendar email
The 6th Annual West Seattle Bee Festival
High Point Commons Park
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Sat., May 19, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Find out how you can help bees survive and thrive. Puget Sound Beekeepers will be there to answer questions; they’ll also have honey available to taste or purchase. Show up at 10 a.m. for face-painting and parade-prep! The parade starts at 11 a.m. Our Vendor Fair, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., showcases businesses, community groups and organizations who focus on environmental sustainability, provide resources to our community, or who help support bees. We’ll also have great music and wonderful food! Show up by 9:30 a.m. for the Honey Run—a fun, informal run-walk-jog. for updates and a more detailed schedule visit
West Seattle Library
2306 42nd Ave. S.W.
Sun., May 20, 2–4 p.m. Join Susan Shorett for a talk on the buildings of renowned Seattle architect Arthur Loveless. This monthly lecture series features presentations on the history of West Seattle, the Duwamish Peninsula and the birthplace of Seattle. Library programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required. Free parking is available. This series is presented in partnership with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. For more info call the Library at 206.684.7444.
GriefShare recovery
support group
Grace Church
10323 – 28th Ave. S.W.
Now–May 19, Every Sat. 10 a .m.–Noon. Grace Church is hosting a 13-week GriefShare recovery support group for those that have lost a loved one by death. You can start at any session. There is a onetime charge of $15. For your journal. For more info call Barb at 206.932.7459.
Hand Drumming Class and Drum & Dance Party
Admiral UCC
4320 S.W. Hill St.
Sat., June 2, 2:30 – 5:30pm: Drumming Class (beginners welcome) 6pm: Potluck followed by Drum & Dance Party Led by Simone LaDrumma. $50-$75 (sliding scale) for Class, Potluck and Dance. $10 plus a Food/Beverage item for Potluck, Drum & Dance only To Register contact the Admiral Church office: officemgr@admiralchurch.orgor 206.932.2928. To Reserve a Drum, please do so at registration. Drums are available on a first-come-first-served basis. OR: bring your own jembe or conga.
To submit your non-profit calendar item to our community calendar email