To the editor:
The letter submitted to the New York Times by someone allegedly from the Trump cabinet; the letter takes on the likeness of a Hollywood mystery…why not the butler?
After all, the butler knows everything which goes on in the Mansion and he's close to the boss.
Well, it seems like Las Vegas could benefit financially by creating odds betting on the list of possilble suspects who are at the top, as likely crooks closest to Trump.
I lightly view my opinions partly humorous in the sense of how absurd and paranoid Trump is reacting. Inasmuch as he is on a witch-hunt, requesting polygraph and letters from alleged suspect in his cabinet.
Let’s get real. Trump has broadcast serious insults toward anyone and everyone who is not his supporter. Now Trump is whining like a baby because someone told it like it is and Trump can’t handle what goes around coming back.
I personally don’t think that letter is that important. What is important is we have an anti-democratic, pro-Russian, authoritarian wanna-be president, putting our U.S. Constitution and country in danger.
If the mystery letter and Who Dunit is important to you, you have the right to place your bets!