A Land Use Application has been filed for a four story 62 unit apartment building to be constructed from 4417-4423 42nd SW near the West Seattle Junction. This would include four live/work units. The building would have 26 parking spaces. Being designed by NK Architects.
The full plan set can be viewed here.
The project has been in process for some time with the comment period ending in Sept. of 2017.
The following appealable decisions have been made based on submitted plans:
Conditionally Grant - Design Review Conditions: Conditions have been placed on this project. You may view the decision through our web-based Land Use Information Bulletin, or contact either the assigned planner whose name and phone number appears above, or contact the Public Resource Center (206-684-8467, prc@seattle.gov).
Determination of Non-Significance with conditions (no environmental impact statement required). Environmental review completed and project conditioned as applicable. This DNS is issued using the optional DNS process in WAC 197.11.355 and SMC 25.05.355. Conditions: Conditions have been placed on this project. You may view the decision through our web-based Land Use Information Bulletin, or contact either the assigned planner whose name and phone number appears above, or contact the Public Resource Center (206-684-8467, prc@seattle.gov).
The appeal period ends Nov. 5 and information on appeals can be found here.