The meme is out there. Retail is going away and shopping is moving online. Except that's not really the case. Like most trends the idea that people's shopping habits can be summed up in a simplistic phrase is wrong. Even the biggest online seller Amazon has opened brick and mortar locations for books, electronics, and even convenience and full grocery stores with their acquisition of Whole Foods.
The West Seattle Junction is mindful of the changes taking place in retail and facing challenges as the cost to keep leasing the otherwise "free" parking lots in the district keeps escalating.
They've prepared a survey and are seeking the public's help to make the Junction a place people want to visit, shop, dine and gather in.
Click THIS link below to offer your opinion online
Lora Radford, Executive Director of the West Seattle Junction Association said, "We’ll have a printed version too of the survey for people who prefer not to enter their information online.
Folks can drop it off at the Junction office or mail to us: 4210 SW Oregon St, Suite A Seattle WA 98116"
Maintain free parking as well as the “small town” feel that you get in the junction even when/if new buildings are built.