Lauren Burgon, Hamilton Gardiner, Pete Spalding, Gary Potter, Paul Prentiss, Julia Jordan and Lynn Dennis.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Wed, 05/08/2019
A new "Welcome to West Seattle" sign, located on the West Seattle west bound freeway was unveiled on Wednesday. A small group of community organizers was on hand for the event.
It was made possible by Adah Rhodes Cruzen who provided a gift of $100,000 for the sign and a sustainable maintenance plan.
Adah made the donation on behalf of the estate of her late husband, Earl Cruzen, who died Jan. 23, 2017, at the age of 96.
Earl is recognized for bringing three groups together, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the Junction Merchants Association and the West Seattle Trusteed Properties, as the Junction Development Committee.
The original “Welcome to West Seattle” sign, installed in September 1996, is one of the many legacy projects Earl and this group completed. That sign will be removed by Waypoint Sign, who also built the new sign. Currently a potential display of the original is being negotiated with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society.
The new sign, was orginally intended to have lighting but the cost proved to be too high said Pete Spalding, Chamber President. A final cost on the construction of the new sign has not been determined yet, "Because we haven't gotten the final bill," said Spalding.
West Seattle philanthropist Adah Cruzen whose gift made the construction of the new Welcome to West Seattle sign possible. Photo by Patrick Robinson