To the Editor:
On January 18th, my school was abruptly forced into lockdown. Our principal made one ominous announcement, “This is not a drill.” We had no other information.
“There’s a gunman,” Someone whispered from under their desk.
I texted my mom: “We are on lockdown. I think there’s a gun, I don’t know for sure.”
She replied, “I love you.”
The gunman was within blocks of our school, but did not enter. Students in Marysville were not as lucky.
This doesn’t have to happen.
In 78% of school shootings, perpetrators obtain their gun from home.
Recently, Washington passed initiative 16-39 which requires guns to be stored in a locked box with ammunition stored separately.
This law was designed to save lives. We all must abide by it, regardless of our stance on gun control. The right to bear arms only applies to the adults who have proven themselves fit for gun ownership, we must make sure that deadly weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Unfortunately, some Washingtonians plan to disobey this law. These careless actions will endanger all of Washington’s students. We should not have to fear the upcoming return to school. Please keep my school safe.
Keaton Dickinson
Senior, West Seattle High School