Second closure of 35th Ave SW and SW Avalon Way intersection as soon as Oct. 4
The signs are up alerting drivers that a planned road closure of 35th SW and Avalon Way SW is set to start as soon as Oct. 4 dependent on the weather. The closure is expect to take three days.
Photo by Kimberly Robinson.
Sat, 09/28/2019
information from Seattle Department of Transportation
To continue rebuilding the concrete roadway, we will be closing the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Avalon Way for a second time. The 35th Ave SW and Avalon Way SW intersection must be rebuilt to extend the useful life of the road, make utility upgrades, and make improvements for people walking, bicycling, driving, and riding the bus. Closing the intersection will allow us to rebuild the concrete roadway as quickly and safely as possible. This intersection closure is weather dependent and subject to change.
The intersection will be closed as early as Friday, October 4 at 9 AM to Monday, October 7 at 6 AM, as long as weather allows. If there is rain in the forecast the weekend of October 4, we will postpone the intersection work to the following weekend, Friday, October 11 through Monday, October 14.
- We will coordinate with King County Metro on bus stops and routes. Check Metro Rider Alerts for the most up-to-date information.
- No parking signs on 37th Ave SW and 38th Ave SW to accommodate metro buses and detour traffic.
- Please follow posted detour routes
We are phasing intersection work in up to 3 weekends to minimize night work noise for nearby neighbors and minimize traffic impacts. Intersection closures will allow us to re-build the concrete roadway in the intersection. Crews need to close the intersection for the safety of people traveling and to allow for workers, large equipment, and trucks to maneuver throughout the work zone efficiently and safely.
Zones C and D: (SW Avalon Way from Fauntleroy Way SW to just east of 35th Ave SW)
As soon as the week of September 30 crews are preparing to pave the south side of SW Avalon Way in part of Zone D (on SW Avalon Way, West of 35th Ave SW). Please note:
- Crews will continue pouring concrete on SW Avalon Way east of 35th Ave SW
- Crews will begin breaking up the existing pavement west of 35th Ave SW as soon as Friday, September 27
- There will be temporary, intermittent driveway impacts west of 35th Ave SW as crews complete this work. We will give you advanced notice as soon as we have solidified dates about when this work will happen
Zone E: 35th Ave SW from SW Avalon Way to SW Alaska St
Base paving in Zone E has begun and will last for several months. Crews have completed the east side of 35th Ave SW and are now working in the center lane. Once work in the center lane is completed, crews will conduct base paving on the west side of 35th Ave SW. Crews will:
- Form the new road base
- Pour new concrete
- Allow the concrete to dry for at least 3 days
Access to driveways will be closed while the concrete roadway is curing (outside of driveway) but newly poured driveways can anticipate a shorter cure time. Work is weather dependent and subject to change.
High Friction Surface Treatments: SW Genesee St between SW Avalon Way and 30th Ave SW and on SW Charlestown St between 46th Ave SW and 47th Ave SW
High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) were completed on SW Charlestown St between 46th Ave SW and 47th Ave SW. However, there were issues with the equipment while crews worked on SW Genesee St. Crews anticipate returning to complete the remaining work on the southern half of SW Genesee St between SW Avalon Way and 30th Ave SW as early as the week of September 30, weather depending. High Friction Surface Treatments are skid resistant layers laid down on areas where more traction is needed for the safety of people driving.
Stay informed
We will continue to share regular updates via email in addition to distributing flyers in advance of work near affected properties. Sign up to receive project emails using the form to the right or the bottom of this page.
For the latest construction updates, see our construction email update archive. Additional information about past decisions from the planning and design phases starting in 2017 can be found in the project library at the bottom of the page.
Questions about the project? Email the project team at or call 206-900-8