The Ballard High School Music Program opens the year with their Fall Concert Series, which includes three varied nights of music. The series opens with a presentation including all six choral ensembles entitled, Toward the Horizon: Choral Music from Dawn to Dusk. Highlights will include works from composers Johannes Brahms and Ēriks Ešenvalds.’ The Orchestra Concert will feature eclectic classics and begin with the anticipated debut performance of the Concert Orchestra. Composers include George Bizet, Matt Turner, Dedrich Smetana and Astor Plazzilla. To round out the series, the band concert will feature three concert bands (Concert, Symphonic, Wind Ensemble). The theme this year will be Celebrating Women and Composers of Color and will include “A Movement for Rosa” celebrating the life of Rosa Parks. Also featured will be works by Naoya Wada and Catherine McMichael. New this year, local musician, Trevor Parrish, will direct the Jazz 2 band. Both Jazz 1 and 2 Bands will be performing some standard jazz tunes and are swingin’ hard!
Concert schedule:
- Choir Concert - Tuesday, October 29
- Orchestra Concert - Monday, November 4
- Band and Jazz Concert - Wednesday, November 6
All performances begin at 7:30 PM in the Ballard High School Earl Kelly Center for Performing Arts. Admission is free. You can purchase reserved seating at Search for the name of the performance.
For full details about this event see