District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold shared this update on Seattle Parks in her constituent newsletter.
This coming weekend will see changes at some of our most popular parks.
Alki Beach, Lincoln Park, and West Seattle Stadium will all close for the night at 8pm (instead of 11:30pm), starting on Friday. This change is meant to deter the gatherings that have been occurring there in the evenings. In all, seventeen parks across the city will observe the new 8pm closing time each day.
Parking lots remain closed at major parks, but at Lincoln Park, nine accessible ADA parking spaces (four at lower beach lot, and five at the southern upper lot) will be available. No other parking will be allowed, and violators will be ticketed.
Stay Healthy Streets will now be closed to traffic 7 days a week, 24 hours a day - not just on weekends. In addition to High Point, the City will add Stay Healthy Streets in Delridge/Highland Park, and Beach Drive SW in Alki. These are pedestrian- and bike-friendly streets, often adjacent to local businesses and amenities, where only local traffic is permitted. They’re a great alternative to destination parks, which may be crowded.
Mother’s Day is traditionally one of the busiest of the year at Seattle parks. Please following these “Keep It Moving” guidelines:
- Stay Home. If you need to leave the house, visit your neighborhood park.
- Keep it Moving. Keep walking, running, rolling or biking. That means no picnics, no BBQs, no sports, no gatherings at our parks.
- Visit at Off Peak. Visit parks, greenways and farmers markets at off peak hours.
- Crowded Spaces will mean Closed Spaces. If you see a crowd, go somewhere else.
To report crowding at parks, call 206-684-4075, email pks_info@seattle.gov or tweet @seattleparks. pks_info@seattle.gov or tweet to @seattleparks
Questions about what’s open and closed? Seattle Parks keeps this list updated.