SDOT: High bridge repair: More core drilling underway; preparing for post-tensioning
SDOT: High bridge repair: More core drilling underway; preparing for post-tensioning
On the work platforms, SDOT workers use a pump to inject cracks with an epoxy compound ahead of applying carbon-fiber wrap to the bridge’s exterior.
SDOT Photo
Fri, 02/25/2022
information from Seattle Department of Transportation
We’ve continued the epoxy crack injection on the interior of the bridge this week and began preparing for carbon-fiber wrap work on the bridge’s exterior. These two steps are essential for sealing cracks in the bridge and strengthening existing concrete.
In addition to assembling more scaffolding on the east span work platforms, we also completed more core drilling work. Over the coming weeks, we will core drill over 30 holes through different parts of the bridge’s interior to prepare for the post-tensioning cables that will span the length of the bridge.
The new post-tensioning cables will pass through the drilled holes in the bridge’s interior. SDOT Photo
We’re also continuing to make forms for post-tensioning components.
In the weeks ahead, we will continue epoxy crack injection and carbon-fiber work on the interior and exterior of the bridge. We will also keep forming post-tensioning components so that we are ready to pour as soon as concrete becomes available.