District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold shared this update on the repairs going on at the West Seattle Bridge
The work to attain the specialized concrete needed for the guiding and anchoring the steel cables for the West Seattle Bridge has continued this week.
The most recent update is that, on Monday, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Materials Laboratory approved the concrete mix design, a necessary step before concrete can be delivered. Kraemer, the West Seattle Bridge repair contractor, is now trying to schedule deliveries from Cadman. When the concrete is delivered, the SPU Materials Lab will be on site testing and taking samples to assure SDOT that the quality of the delivered concrete is up to standard and suitable for the task.
SDOT has announced it will be carrying out several road projects over the weekend, as follows:
On Saturday, we’ll be working in several locations.
- Updating curb ramps on 45th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way. We may need to shift travel lanes slightly to complete this work, but the street will still be accessible to traffic.
- Making several pavement updates on 16th Ave SW in the Highland Park neighborhood, including such as:
- Installing crosswalks at 16th Ave SW and SW Myrtle St
- Installing pavement markings and crosswalks on 16th Ave SW between Cambridge St and Roxbury St
- Restoring the pavement markings at 16th Ave SW and SW Barton St
- Restoring pavement markings on West Marginal Way between 2nd Ave SW and Highland Park Way. We’ll also be installing reflectors on West Marginal Way to help with visibility on rainy days. This work will take multiple weekends to complete.
- Installing a speed hump and completing remaining construction activities on SW Webster St between 12th Ave SW and 15th Ave SW in Highland Park where we built a natural drainage system earlier this month. Traffic will still be allowed in both directions.
- Replacing overhead signs on West Marginal Way as it approaches the Chelan 5-way intersection and on the Fauntleroy Expressway just before the West Seattle Bridge onramp.