Seen on Beach Drive; Solid Axle Corvette Club makes a stop
Seen on Beach Drive; Solid Axle Corvette Club makes a stop
Members of the Northwest Chapter of the Solid Axle Corvette Club parked on Beach Drive.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Wed, 05/10/2023
Sunny days in West Seattle tend to bring cars to the beach. All kinds of cars, from elaborate Impala's favored by low rider groups to multi hundred thousand dollar sports cars with favored parking spots going quickly. Cruising it seems never goes out of style.
Then there are the classics. These folks are, like their cars, priceless. They are members of the Solid Axle Corvette Club which has 8 chapters across the nation and 1200 members. Locally across Washington, Oregon and Vancouver BC are around 90 members.
They had stopped at Spud Fish and Chips and driven over near Me Kwa Mooks park on Beach Drive SW to show off their cars and have some lunch. One was an outlier... the 1965 which has independent suspension. The earlier generation of Corvette's is commonly referred to as the "solid-axle" generation, as the independent rear suspension did not appear until the 1963 Stingray.
The cars range from 1958 to 1965 and some were restored by their owners but all of them are rolling works of art whose cost, somewhat surprisingly ranges around $65,000 each. Though they are priceless to their owners.
We asked them what the fastest speed they drive these classics and they quickly said, "Speed limit... well maybe 5 over."