A grass roots effort by West Seattleites who have serious doubts about the cost, efficacy and timing of Sound Transit's extension of the line to West Seattle are inviting neighbors to walk part of the proposed light rail route on September 17th, starting at 11 a.m. at Ounces Taproom & Beer Garden on Delridge Way SW. They instead favor a "No Build" option.
This newsletter has details - https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Let-s-Take-a-Walk-.html?soid=1140459262665&aid=zvCCv4HeZ_8
Their stated goal with this walk is to offer information, as accurately as possible at this stage.

This map of the route is adapted from Sound Transit’s map from January of this year.
They will have people at each of four stops along the way to explain specific aspects. One will be at Ounces Taproom where neighbors will learn about the businesses that will be displaced, where the proposed track will be, and what its dimensions will be. The second stop will be at Longfellow Creek where discussion will center on the environment both there and on Pigeon Point. The third stop will be along 32nd Ave SW where people will see where light rail will meet the residential area. The walk will conclude at Pecos Pit, near where the proposed Avalon station will be.
Spokesperson for the effort Marie McKinsey said, "We want people to walk the route, get a mental picture of what construction of light rail will be like, what the neighborhood might be like when it is finished, ask questions (which we will answer if we have that information), and decide for themselves what our next steps should be. It is not our intention to put a “spin” on it, except to say that we support the No Build option."
They have been featuring businesses in the Delridge area that may be lost on their Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/Rethink.Link.WestSeattle