Our Secret Garden florist opening new location at Pacific Place Mall
Our Secret Garden florist opening new location at Pacific Place Mall
A blue color treated rose from Our Secret Garden florist at 5020 California Ave SW. The shop is opening a new location at Pacific Place Mall in downtown Seattle. The Grand Opening is Sunday Dec. 8.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Sun, 12/01/2024
Our Secret Gardenat 5020 California Ave SW is opening a second location at Pacific Place mall December 8th, taking over a former Lululemon space. "It's a six month pop up at first," explained owner Alonzo Fernandez. The grand opening will coincide with a ten-day art exhibition called Fleur De Villes featuring mannequin displays, and much more. It's traveling exhibition that does shows all over North America The new shop will offer flowers, plants, and gifts. Fernandez will manage both locations, alongside additional staff, and they are continuing to provide wedding and party services.
Fernandez also said they are considering a location in Palm Springs, Calfiforna.