To the editor:
Once again, the local voters are presented with the opportunity to fund a bond for our public schools. When we approve this bond, we are able to provide the necessary capital to reward the efforts of the school district's stewardship of our public monies. We have a chance to make our local school system better; which will return dividends in property values and make Federal Way a better place to live.
School levies are difficult. Many voters reason that our county and federal taxes should be all the funding needed to enjoy adequate school systems. There are many points to consider when making the vote on school district construction bonds - the importance of understanding the issues is key.
In Federal Way's case the loss of school levies in the 1970's and 80's continues to plague our schools today. We have fallen behind in construction and maintenance for years and have used the "band aid" approach to fix problems. We should realize that it costs more to repair and update the existing buildings than to rebuild them.
Our local population continues to grow, we have campuses that are in severe need of massive reconstruction or complete rebuilding to accommodate our students and enable them to compete with the skills required in the marketplace today and in the future.
In this election cycle, we have the unique opportunity to pass this construction bond with matching state funds. This will extend our abilities as a community to maximize our impact and allow for improvements and construction projects at more of our school sites.
Keep in mind that this is a capital expenditure bond, to be used for construction of schools and maintenance of existing schools. Support the bond issue; help create a legacy of investment in your home, your community and your society.
Bill May