After her husband Charles died from cancer, Jane Adamson noticed there was no flagpole at Virginia Mason Medical Center. Through efforts of the staff, a special flag and pole were put in place last month. Pictured are: Thomas Leonard, Chaplain; Jane Adamson, Gary Hulsey, Faye Truskowski, Douglas Marshall and Jack Collins, Jr. Photo courtesy of Jo Witzleben.
On June 7, 2005, Charlie H. Adamson Jr. died of cancer despite all the efforts, and medical expertise available. Virginia Mason Clinic provided loving care for him and his wife, Jane. Both Korea veterans, they married in Japan and had nearly 50 years together.
After Charlie died, staff at Virginia Mason continued to give moral support (with a hug now and then) to Jane. As both were members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars,. Jane noticed there was no flag at VM South. She asked Faye Truskowski and John Schafter, staffer there why not. Jane told them that if they got the flagpole, she would supply the flag.
The flagpole was finally placed on Feb. 22, 2006, and the flag was dedicated to the clinic.
The flag Jane provided is a special flag; flown over the US Capital in honor of Charlie H. Adamson, Jr. thanks to Congressman Norm Dicks. The certificate was given to Truskowski and Schafter.
The VFW was represented by Past State Commander Jane Adamson, Past State Commander Gary Hulsey, and Marine Corps League Commandant Douglas Marshall and grandson of Charlie, EMT/Firefighter Jack Collins, Jr. Other dignitaries of VM South included Margaret Brewer, Administrator.