Real cost of Iraq war
Tue, 04/18/2006
To the Editor:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the war in Iraq began as a result of the alleged Iraqi connection to the 9/11 attacks. Right? Well, then, I am compelled to list the problems with our commitment to this "cause."
1. The CIA told the White House in advance of the invasion that there was no such connection.
2. The war became an issue about WMD-but that didn't pan out either.
3. Three_years after our President declared our "Mission Accomplished," we've lost over 2,000 of our good people in uniform-and 17,000 more are maimed and emotionally scarred. At the same time, between 25,000 and 35,000 Iraqis have been killed, and perhaps 100,000 wounded.
4. Insurgency is strong-and the "war on terror" has not made the world any safer.
5. The citizens of Iraq-by their own accounts-are in many respects no better off than they were before we came to save them from Saddam's regime.
6. That little issue of civil war in Iraq and destabilization of the entire region? Yeah, that too was predicted by a lot of intelligent people whose advice was ignored.
7. The stature and credibility of the United States-in the eyes of the world-has been severely damaged.
8. The White House recently tried to sell six of our key ports to the United Arab Emirates-a country tied to the 9/11 hijackers.
9. Take_the facts above and add: the wiretapping, Homeland Security and FEMA failures, a_ national debt from which we can only hope_we-or our children-will someday recover, and the latest news on the_ Scooter Libby/White House leaks...
If this list doesn't support impeachment, we Americans should be ashamed of ourselves for ignoring that remedy. Sure, it's an extreme measure-but_if ever there was a solid case for impeachment, we have it. The last president to be caught for his part in the commission of a crime was of course Mr. Nixon. But though he did break the law, what he did pales in comparison to the acts of the current Bush Administration. The Democrats have been reluctant to fight fire with fire. I can almost understand that. With people like Rove (one of many Bush cronies under investigation) running the political machinery, and the likes of Limbaugh and O'Reilley spewing hate and propaganda, the Bush supporters have shown that they have perfected dirty politics and the art of personal attack.
From the beginning, this White House has played the patriotism card, selling Americans on the war with the divisive cry of "support the troops." Men who never served in the armed forces spread vicious lies about those who did. All's fair in the Bush White House.
What more must happen before we Americans decide that we demand our country back? More lives and more money? We can't keep asking that question rhetorically. We need to write letters. We need to contact our representatives-and tell them to do their jobs. We need to get involved. Now. This can't wait.
David McKenzie
Federal Way