"It is with a willingness to continue to serve ...and now thousands of hours of experience behind me, that I announce that I am running for school Board Director Position 3 again."<br><br>- Evelyn Castellar
It is with a willingness to continue to serve and now thousands of hours of experience behind me that I announce that I am running for school Board Director Position 3 again.
In the past 31/2 years we have seen remarkable improvement to our School District in the areas of academic achievement, closing the achievement gap and occupational education.
I have personally encouraged and supported "Latino Night School" (now considered a best practice), NATEF, Cambridge, an effective 13th year plan, Choice schools, a rigorous curriculum, music and athletics and I continue to support these and other successful programs.
I am pleased to be supported by a diverse array of political leaders, members from both political parties, families, influential community members, business leaders, teachers, staff, administrators, and students including; King County Council Member Pete Von Reichbauer, Betty Huff, Don Barrows, Peggy Laporte, Tim Robinson, Dr. John Jarstead, Bob Hitchcock, Representative Skip Priest, Beth Bishop, Pastor Lukyamuzi, Monda Holsinger, Principal Randy Kazar, Nancy Papineau, Jim Ferrell, Bill Avery, students past and present, Nathan (Nat) Sanchez, Nicky Mills, Carmen Acuna, Haley Skipper and their families, and many, many more.
Call me if you have any questions or visit my website at www.castellar.us.