Would you take a driving test without practicing?
Don't take the SAT without a realistic practice session including a scores back session with staff from Princeton Review.
Students in eighth grade and up are encouraged to register for the upcoming session at Thomas Jefferson High School, located at 4248 South 288th Street in Auburn.
The test is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 13t in the A building of Thomas Jefferson, which can be entered via the school's theatre.
While the testing is conducted in a realistic time frame and setting, the results are given directly to the student, not sent out to colleges (that's the fear-free part).
Following the return of the scores, students are invited back to go over their scores with Princeton Review staff from 6-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24th, in the Marketing Education classroom at Thomas Jefferson.
Registrations are coming in quickly and space is limited-so register soon.
This event is sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson DECA Club, the session is open to ANY student that may take the SAT in the future.
The cost is $20. Pre-register by going to www.fwps.org.